Several weeks ago I had the pleasure of voting for the BBA's rookie of the year awards; if you'll remember I voted for Tampa's own Jeff Niemann, but in the end he finished 4th (behind Bailey, Porcello, and Andrus respectively), despite my poignant statistical evidence that Niemann's performance proved to be the most deserving of the award.
Check out my reasoning here.
Well, it turns out that the Baseball Writers' Association of America (BWAA) agreed (for the most part) with the sentiments of the BBA, giving the award to Bailey, followed by Andrus, Porcello, and Niemann in a distant fourth.
All four players had stellar seasons, but I still feel as if Andrus was a media darling who only received so many looks based on how often his name was bandied about by the mainstream media, but I digress.
Congrats to Niemann and all of he finalists.
It's time to go to work. I have little time to waist looking at the same stuff over & over. Post something. This was a good site but ...............
CharlieRay- I've decided to go back to school and work on another degree, as well as continue to work on my forthcoming novel, so Rays The Stakes has taken a distant third on the priority list... i'm hoping to find time again once the season starts, but probably not before that.
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